
30% by 30 'Ulu Flour Initiative

30% by 30 'Ulu Flour Initiative

Aloha! Hawaiʻi imports 85-90% of our food, including virtually 100% of our staples. Ensuring long-term food security and resilience requires boosting local production and processing in this critical food category, of which flour and flour products are an important part.

To support this shared vision, the Hawaiʻi Farmers Union Foundation, Hawaiʻi ʻUlu Cooperative and Voyaging Foods have partnered on an initiative to promote and facilitate efforts to supply 30% of Hawaiʻi's flour consumption with local starches by 2030.

This survey is intended to gather preliminary data on consumer interest, experience and knowledge regarding utilization of 'ulu (breadfruit) flour, specifically. We are now in the early planning stages of scaling 'ulu flour production for retail, food service, baking, and manufacturing outlets, and are looking for key partners to help test products and assist with both product and market development.

We greatly appreciate your response to this survey, and anticipate product for sampling and purchase will be available in summer 2020. Please share your email below and we will keep you informed of product availability and project updates. We also welcome any inquiries for broader collaboration. Mahalo nui!

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