
Tonics & Elixirs - HILux Magazine

Tonics & Elixirs - HILux Magazine

What is The “Dirty Dozen” List

What is The “Dirty Dozen” List

What is the dirty dozen?  The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has compiled a list of analyzed food samples with detectable pesticide residues-ev...
The Story Behind the Label

The Story Behind the Label

The story behind the taro plant image As our intent is to share Hawaiian Taro through our gluten-free products we wanted to be mindful of our br...
Wild Yeast Starter 101

Wild Yeast Starter 101

Take me there
Taro in powdered and flour form, taro cooked and Hawaiian flower on top of a Hawaiian tapa cloth

Native Flour Ancient Starch, Hawaiian Taro Powder. Gluten Free Recipes from an Island Kitchen

Hawai’ian Taro’s History Goes Back a Millennium. So often we look at food as satisfying to the hunger or taste buds and that’s it. Taro is completely different. It’s been a source of nutrition for centuries. On one end of the spectrum, it has been used as a first food for babies. On the other, the Taro plant is a marketing symbol used throughout numerous businesses throughout the Polynesian triangle today. After making Taro teething biscuits for my toddler from my homemade Taro powder, I learned that Hawai’ian Kalo flour or Taro flour had been a subsidy and export in the late 1800s, supplying the medical and baby food industry as a health food! With this history in mind, I created these recipes for a nutritious gluten-free diet, utilizing our treasured heirloom Hawai’ian plants. Most of the recipes are vegan, but most importantly they are for you to personalize and make them your own. Enjoy them! 

21st Century Healing - The Bio Mat

21st Century Healing - The Bio Mat

Wellness is part of a holistic regenerative system. Humans are only as healthy as the soil. With this holistic view of interdependent people and plants, we share uncommon yet traditional wellness tools for anyone to add to their expereince.


WHAT IS WATER IN FOOD? Every year, billions of dollars are spent by food manufacturers to move water in and out of food products. As a food maker i...
'Aina Wahine podcast from the Microbial Secret Society

'Aina Wahine podcast from the Microbial Secret Society

This Microbial Secret Society Podcast is meant to be a place where no subject is too small and people are free to have invisible friends. The one rule here is be a microbe minded human being and be natural. The foundational idea that drives this site can be summed up in the following statement: “Long Live The Natural Farmer”. Take a listen as Drake kindly share's this podcast from the membership side of the program talking to Brynn about her inspiring work to bring local starches to the people in forms they are used to.
Introducing the Canoe Plant Collective

Introducing the Canoe Plant Collective

The collapse of Hawaii's tourism economy was not without warning. Over-burdening one aspect of a over-dependent island economy is bound to burn out at some point and the farming community was voicing this issue for decades.

See what we are doing along with the Aloha Connects Innovation.

Hawaii Farmer's Union Interview

Hawaii Farmer's Union Interview

Ancient & Heritage Grain Seed Trials 2020

Ancient & Heritage Grain Seed Trials 2020

Over the past two years we planted seeds from the Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance Grain Trials in Hawaiian soil. Our goal with Go Farm as our collabor...
Learn More About Growing Breadfruit

Learn More About Growing Breadfruit

Learn More About Growing Breadfruit from Professor Noa Lincoln. This video is part of a workshop series by Kahumana Organic Farms ( ) and funded by the USDA Specialty Crop Program and in affiliation with Hawaii Farmers Union United, Wai'anae Chapter ( ). Will breadfruit grow in your location? Hawaii is one of the best place in the World to grow breadfruit. In this workshop, Dr. Noa Lincoln share his knowledge and research about breadfruit habitat, varieties, and seasonal patterns in production.

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