🌦Hawaiian Winter Preview ✨ Ho'oilo


Winter in Hawaii is a time of renewal. Ho'oilo means to germinate or sprout. Everything turns greener in Hawaii. Winter time includes a four month long celebration called Makahiki with the first sighting of the Makali'i constellation otherwise known as the Pleiades rising in the East at dusk.

What We Are Planting Now:

'Ulu trees take about five years from planting to fruiting. We donated several of our Hawaiian varieties of breadfruit trees to one of our favorite organizations Malama Loko Ea FoundationNā Loko Iʻa "Hawaiian Fishponds", were built to be living refrigerators for the people who once lived solely from the land.

These fishponds were meant to produce food and that is exactly what we plan to restore and improve. Planting these trees with Kupu Hawaii was a dream come true!


Stuffing using 'ulu / breadfruit is one of our favorite dishes. Why wait only twice per year to eat such a satisfying dish like stuffing? When using nutritious ingredients like 'ulu (breadfruit) and kalo (taro), dressing (stuffing) should be part of a weekly meal plan. Get our recipe and link for cooked kalo and 'ulu here.

Hawaii Life:

Regenerative farming is a big part of Hawaii Farmer's Union United mission. Listen to the interview by our Founder, Brynn, here.


Watch the new TV show focused on sustainability in Hawaii called EO - A Call for Conscious Action. Episode 3 shows a glimpse of our Wayfinder's mobile dryer and mill! These are our dream project that we are excited to announce more good news soon. Watch the episode here.

Intent - Gather - Flow

Our dreamboarding for this cycle includes what the Wayfinder mobile dryer and mill looks like. We intend it to teach and feed the four directions of all our islands, starting with Oahu. We are gathering the imagery and pieces to make this a reality and flowing with the highs and lows in tackling a huge project in the agricultural value-added industry. As a women-led project in a masculine industry as farming, we are guided by our principles in aloha 'aina.

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