Explore {part 2/4}

Explore the outdoors to learn more about ourselves. This quote says it best:

Nature reminds us what it means to be human, what we are connected to rather than what we are separate from.

                                                                                                                                               -Terry Tempest Williams

Over the past few months, there has been many people, places and things that have inspired me. I plan to take this space to reflect on what I have found and learned from these experiences and what action I put forth from thought.

My intent as a social entrepreneur is to be a light to others either interested in starting a holistic business or making better health and wellness choices. Be true to who you are in all things.

I didn’t grow up in Hawaii nor did I know I had Hawaiian ancestry until I was 7 years old. But, there was always a rumbling inside to feel self-reliant, something the native Hawaiians excelled at.

Being aware (not perfect) has been my lesson over the past few years. Specifically, to reconnect to a culture I wasn’t privileged to grow up with. I have been on a life-long journey to access those memories and stories of ancestors before.

Why are these stories and memories important? Why be so sentimental?

Inside these traditional stories, there are answers to some of our everyday questions on how to feed our world, heal ourselves and therefore thrive in modern times.


There is no one race or culture superior to another. We all must connect with a strong sense of our own individuality. In that connection we realize familiarities and see we are not separate.

We look to the past so that we can grow strong for the future.

How do you move beyond the fact that the native Hawaiians had a vast and sophisticated knowledge of the land’s natural resources and not tap into that resource?

The Hawaiian knowledge is passed down by song, chant and even dreams and is accessible to those that seek it. Reconnecting to this ancestral knowledge and memories of old holds many keys to the future. I choose to use this resource as a foundation for my holistic business based on wellness for our community and for my family.

Here are some of the work I have become aware lately of on this process of redefining what a holistic, passion based-business means to me:

1. Notice the details and the process. Place the emphasis on the journey rather than the destination. Celebrate the small steps and redefine what success looks like.

2. Strive to be outside of normal comfort zones to open up new ideas and opportunities. Getting outside into unfamiliar scenery can put a new perspective on old ideas, allowing to see things in a new way and “stuck thoughts” become free.

3. Set up a support system of like-minded individuals. Search out inspirational people you know (or even ones you don’t know) and put into practice what is working for them until you find what works for you. For example, I recently attended a workshop at The Chopra Center. Through this resource, there is a connection of people interested in learning more about life in balance, the same ideas that frame my interests.

4. Don’t take anything too serious and always enjoy the view.


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