Native Flour Ancient Starch, Hawaiian Taro Powder. Gluten Free Recipes from an Island Kitchen
by brynn fosterHawai’ian Taro’s History Goes Back a Millennium. So often we look at food as satisfying to the hunger or taste buds and that’s it. Taro is completely different. It’s been a source of nutrition for centuries. On one end of the spectrum, it has been used as a first food for babies. On the other, the Taro plant is a marketing symbol used throughout numerous businesses throughout the Polynesian triangle today. After making Taro teething biscuits for my toddler from my homemade Taro powder, I learned that Hawai’ian Kalo flour or Taro flour had been a subsidy and export in the late 1800s, supplying the medical and baby food industry as a health food! With this history in mind, I created these recipes for a nutritious gluten-free diet, utilizing our treasured heirloom Hawai’ian plants. Most of the recipes are vegan, but most importantly they are for you to personalize and make them your own. Enjoy them!