Bookclub with E-Book, Flour Bundle and More
Bookclub with E-Book, Flour Bundle and More
Bookclub with E-Book, Flour Bundle and More

Bookclub with E-Book, Flour Bundle and More

通常価格 $333.00 販売中

Join our book club delving into the history, how-to and recipes all about canoe plant flours.

We will overview on canoe plants and focus this specific workshop on Taro Powder.

With your bundle, you will receive:

  • E-book,
  • Online training: this is the home for all your workshop materials, including videos, assessments, activities, readings, e-book and Workbook, and live meeting information,
  • Voyaging Food's reusable glass jar with 5 oz Taro Powder to go along with our recipe videos and live meeting,.
  • Breadfruit Flour sample size 5 oz,
  • Access to our online community group on Facebook for connecting with other canoe plant flour resources, recipe exchanges and advocates.
  • Value for products is 25% off retail
  • Value for 6 weeks of LIVE check-in's on our Facebook group, video and workshop content is $50 per course x 6
  • This bundle is a special price 

The Bookclub content for this workshop has been divided into six sessions. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Weekly video drop via online learning platform (to be accessed at your convenience),
  • LIVE check-in's Thursday's at 6 pm PST via our Facebook group.
  • Week 1-2: Setting the foundation: weekly Facebook LIVE, set intention for the workshop, Gluten Free 101 and deeper, Four guidelines to move into the discovery mindset of opportunity, kitchen reprograming, Why taro and especially Hawaiian taro, guest speaker - gut rebalance
  • Week 3-4: How to use taro powder: weekly Facebook LIVE, 3 pantry staple recipes using Taro Powder, how to make your own gluten free flour mix, 5 hacks to baking with natural substitutes for eggs
  • Week 5-6: uncommonly amazing recipes: weekly Facebook LIVE, 3 snack recipes, ginger biscuits, banana bread, chocolate dipped granola bar, 3 appetizer recipes, blinis, omega seed crisp, quiche pie shell 3 desert recipes: Boba Amazake tea, fudgie cream sandwiches with ado frosting, lava cookie cannoli!!

Get ready to learn more about this special plant and why EVERYONE will benefit from more fiber from the taro in your life.

We're excited to have you with us.

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