Native Flour Ancient Starch, Hawaiian Taro Powder. Gluten Free Recipes from an Island Kitchen

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From the storied kingdom days in Hawaii and subsidized by Hawaii's last sitting King supporting his culture, Taro Powder reclaims its revival. 

Touted as a digestive remedy and a food replacement for babies in the early 1900's, Ancestral Taro Powder is revived today by Voyaging Foods, a gluten-free, artisan milling company and bakehouse.

Part historical homage, part cookbook, Voyaging Foods offers a variety of allergy-free meals and treat ideas for the home chef. 

This cookbook offers an alternative view of taro, the beloved heritage crop, while empowering the home chef to utilize beneficial starches, such as Ancestral Taro Powder, in meals today.

Hawai’ian Taro’s History Goes Back a Millennium. So often we look at food as satisfying to the hunger or taste buds and that’s it.

Taro is completely different. It’s been a source of nutrition for centuries.

On one end of the spectrum, it has been used as a first food for babies. On the other, the Taro plant is a marketing symbol used throughout numerous businesses throughout the Polynesian triangle today.

After making Taro teething biscuits for my toddler from my homemade Taro powder, I learned that Hawai’ian Kalo flour or Taro flour had been a subsidy and export in the late 1800s, supplying the medical and baby food industry as a health food!
With this history in mind, I created these recipes for a nutritious gluten-free diet, utilizing our treasured heirloom Hawai’ian plants. Most of the recipes are vegan, but most importantly they are for you to personalize and make them your own. Enjoy them! And do consider using Ancestral Taro Powder™ in your meals. 



  • Hi!
    I live in Hilo looking for your taro flour.

  • Hi!
    I live in Hilo looking for your taro flour.

  • Dear Brynn,
    I am teaching a sustainability unit to our 7th grade in mid-May here at Asia Pacific International School on Oahu on the Windward side, and I was hoping we could connect with you to have you chat with the students for maybe 30 minutes or so about your business and your beliefs around health and sustainability for Hawaii.
    Thanks for considering and I hope to hear from you! Kirsten

    Kirsten Pike



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