Banana Chips Snack

We love the idea of utilizing ancient methods of preserving foods for modern life today.

With the modernization of ancient sun-drying techniques, we are able to use dehydrators in our homes in a fraction of the time.

We love to repurpose bananas into every meal. Try these 5 ways to add banana chips into your meals:

Voyaging Foods - Banana Chips

  1. Add to breakfast cereal.
  2. Make a home-made granola or add to a pre-made granola
  3. Make a trail mix blend with goji berries and nuts for an on-the-go snack
  4. Add to an acai bowl for an extra crunch
  5. Dip in melted chocolate for dessert!

Here’s our recipe for tasty banana chip snack:

The honey adds sweetness while the lemon prevents the bananas from oxidizing or turning brown and the taro powder gets everything to stick!




  • 3 bananas (we used Hawaiian local varieties such as apple bananas and ice cream bananas)
  • 2 cups of purified water
  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • 1  1/2 Tablespoons of honey (we used local Hawaiian honey)
  • 2 Tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon Ancestral Taro Powder



  1. Pour the ingredients into a bowl and mix until well incorporated.
  2. Make a template of the dehydrator tray shape out of parchment paper. Some dryers are circular and some are square. Use whichever shape fits your tray.
  3. Peel and slice bananas into about rounds about 1/4″ thick.
  4. Place the sliced rounds into the honey, oil, lemon bath and coat it on all sides.
  5. Remove from “bath” and blot excess moisture with towel before placing in the dehydrator.
  6. Place in a dehydrator on the fruit setting or about 135 degrees and dry for about 6-8 hours depending on your crisp/chew preference.
  7. Keep in an air-tight container and enjoy! 


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