Summer Soltice Smoothie

Everyone has their own version of a smoothie. Some like their smoothies thick, some utilize a special ingredient and some even add a crunch.

For summer solstice, it is all about cooling the body during the warmer weather but also keeping energy for the longer summer days.

I decided to deconstruct my healthy version of a treat.  By simply changing up the presentation and putting it into a bowl, my kids thought this was a of dessert.

Try swapping some tried and true with some new players in the smoothie recipe books. Pitaya is a new smoothie ingredient from dragon fruit, that adds a beautiful pink color and is less sweet than acai.

Why I am loving this smoothie:

  • It’s in a bowl
  • It’s got a chewy crunch with the bee pollen
  • I have been loving the Pitaya frozen smoothie packs since they are raw and has no sugar added which helps keep energy levels stable.

Here is some more information on dragon fruit from a farm in Maui, Hawaii.  According to Pitaya Plus, Pitaya contains these powerhouse benefits:

-Antioxidants which helps neutralize the formation of cancer causing free radicals.

-Fiber to help lower cholesterol, Lower blood-glucose levels and improve digestive health.

-Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and protection against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease, and even skin wrinkling.

-Calcium & Magnesium. Calcium is essential for the  body to protect and heal. Magnesium increases the absorption of calcium in the body. Both are required for general health. They work in harmony to help the body in numerous ways to keep illness and disease at bay.

-Omega-3s. Research shows that omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and may help lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis.

Here’s what you will need for your summer solstice smoothie:

2 Pitaya Smoothie Packs
1 banana
1/4 Cup of strawberries
1/4 cup or blueberries or berry of choice
6 oz of Almond Milk or coconut milk
1 Tablespoon of bee pollen
(optional) add 1 teaspoon of cacao nibs

1) Pour dairy-free milk in blender
2) Open frozen pack of Pitaya and put entire pack inside blender
3) Cut banana in half. Put the one-half of the banana in the blender.
Save the other half for the garnish.
4) Add the berries.
5) Blend the ingredients well until everything is incorporated.
6) Pour the blended smoothie into a bowl or sorbet cup.
7) Cut the remaining 1/2 banana horizontally from top to bottom. Then chop in bite-size pieces. Place on top of the smoothie.
8) Spoon the bee pollen over the smoothie and enjoy.

*not associated or affiliated with any of the mentioned products or companies.



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