Simple “No-Make” Appetizer

Charcuterie cheese boards are a simple “no  make”  yet perfect appetizer to serve at any meal times or parties.

Offering alternative food items for guests with allergies such as goat cheese, vegan cheese, and gluten-free crackers are just as tasty as most wheat and dairy counterparts.

Cheese and charcuterie boards are a “no-make” yet do-it-yourself dish that are easier than you think.

1) Start with some small containers for honey, candied nuts, dried fruit and nuts.

2) Then start by placing all the ingredients in a working draft then assemble the bigger items first


3) Try mixing by shape and food. Replace wheat crackers with other grain-free and gluten-free options such as oat biscuits and bars.

Place a slice of cheese with a drizzle of honey over oat bars like these Taro Bars.






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