Community Building {In Honor of the New Moon}

Here’s a roundup of our latest projects and news!

Voyaging Foods
Gluten & Grain Free Powders from Native Hawaiian Canoe Plants
Feed Your Roots

A warm aloha and welcome to the Voyaging Foods community on this new moon in February.


Announcing Mini-Scholarships

Voyaging Foods announces several mini scholarships to help bring native foods such as Taro Powder, ‘ulu flour and sweet potato flour to local community groups, charter schools and health centers.

Our goal is to reconnect the community to cultural foods by supporting hands-on learning experiences such as cooking and baking with tips about healthy food choices.

Questions about Voyaging Foods mini scholarships? Contact




We launched into Whole Foods this holiday, participated in the Gluten-Showcase at the Whole Foods Kailua store and met with countless customers on the store-floor doing demonstrations.We love to hear what everyone makes with Ancestral Taro Powder!So far we have heard about some interesting recipes like:-stress balls-taro bubble drinks


-Mana bites

See Voyaging Foods Ambassador Susie’s tasty bites here


Healthy Lifestyles


Health is not a diet nor a fad – it’s a lifestyle that gets absorbed into everything you do.

We like to talk less about what to eat, think and do and more about showing examples of healthy living.

We get inspiration from you! Show us how you feed your roots by being close to nature, cooking with traditional foods and living a sustainable lifestyle.

Follow our community by using the hashtag #FeedYourRoots. Join in and show us what your idea of a healthy life looks like. 


Sustaining Hawaii Nei

We believe the health of our community parallels the health of the people. Therefore, Voyaging Foods puts efforts into supporting local agriculture by increasing food growing lands and mentoring future agripreneurs (that’s a fancy name for business-minded farmers).


We are very excited to be supporting Malama Learning Center. Learn more about their programs here:

Stay tuned for news on upcoming workshops and class information through Malama Learning Center.

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