Mockmill 200 Grain Mill -

Mockmill 200 Grain Mill -

Regular price $490.00 Sale

Mockmill 200 Grain Mill


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Voyaging Foods is excited to now be a certified distributor for these special mills.

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Mockmill grain mills usher in a new generation of innovative grain mills and raise the bar for performance and value.

Legendary mill maker, Wolfgang Mock, has done it again with the Mockmill 200 grain mill, ushering in a new generation of innovative grain mills that raise the bar for performance and value.

Wolfgang’s Mockmill 200 represents the sum of nearly 40 years of experience and innovation and squarely achieves his goal of making fresh, healthy, high quality and great tasting whole grain flour accessible to as many people as possible.

The Mockmill’s uniquely designed grinding stones produce extraordinarily fine flour, well suited for making everything from world class artisan breads to flaky croissants. Enjoy light pancakes, waffles, tarts, pie crusts, brioche, challah, tender flatbreads and more without sacrificing the health benefits packed into nature’s nutrient powerhouse that is the whole grain wheat kernel.

The Mockmill 200 will grind from extremely fine flour to coarse cracked grain and will handle all wheat grains and non oily grains, medium sized beans, corn and non oily spices.

Housing the the Mockmill 200 is an Arboblend® shell also known as liquid wood made from 98% natural plant-based fibers. This eco friendly material takes natural raw materials out of the waste stream and combines them with biopolymers that results in an attractive, durable yet low cost casing. By concentrating the costs of building a quality mill into the components that matter most, the mill stones and motor, Wolfgang has succeeded in keeping the price of the German made Mockmill 200 at an amazingly attractive level.

IMPORTANT: The video below shows quick and easy setup instructions for your new Mockmill. If you don’t follow the procedure in there, you will not get good milling results. And if you do, you will get GREAT milling results.

Mockmill FAQ:
Q: What’s the difference between the Mockmill 100 and 200 and other mills, especially the Komo Classic mill?
A: The most significant difference is that both the Mockmill 100 and 200 mill considerably finer flour than the Classic (or any other mill under $750 for that matter). The difference is quite significant. Fine flour can be achieved without having to sift out the nutritious bran. The only other real differences are the obvious ones like housing, styling, price and length of warranty.
Q: How do the Mockmills compare to the Komo Classic in milling speed?
A: The Komo Classic mills a bit more flour per minute than the 200 and so is quite a bit faster than the 100.Q: Does the 200 heat up the flour more than the 100 while milling?
A: One would think so since the motor is bigger, but the stones on the 200 have a couple of design differences from the stones on the 100. The stones on the 200 are designed to work on a more powerful motor without heating the flour more.Q: Which size mill should I get?
A: Kind of a hard one to answer. For the one or two loaves a week I typically bake, I find the 100 is perfectly adequate. If you’re milling a lot more than that or just want a faster mill, the 200 is a nice option.

For home use: The Mockmill is intended for home use and milling quantities appropriate for normal family needs. It is not designed for commercial use in which large quantities of grains are to be ground.

All dry grains can be ground, including wheat (both hard and soft), oat groats (dehulled oats), rice, triticale, Kamut, spelt, buckwheat, barley, rye, millet, teff, quinoa, amaranth, sorghum and dent (field) corn. Sprouted grains can also be milled provided they are thoroughly dried first. It will also grind spices, lentils and dry beans (pinto, red, garbanzo, kidney, etc.) It isn’t suitable for herbs, oilseeds like flax or sesame, popcorn, or fibrous materials.

 * Shipping is $33.69 via Ground (UPS) per mill and included in the total price in a confirmation email (not the total listed here)

Mockmills are not applicable to Discounts 

Mockmill Return Policy*

Mockmill 200 Specifications:

Milling Speed: 7.0 ounces/min (200 grams/minute)
Hopper Capacity: 2 lbs 7 oz
Grinding Mechanism: Corundum ceramic grinding stones
Millstone: 3.54 inches (90 mm)
Motor Performance 600 Watts (3/4 hp)
Weight: 15.87 lbs
Dimensions: 15 x 8.7 x 7.5″
Power Cord Length 54″
Housing: Arboblend® “liquid wood”, a renewable earth-friendly and durable housing made from 98% natural plant-based fibers
Made in: Germany
Warranty: 6 Years – Non commercial use


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