Home Made Gluten-Free Bread Crumbs

Home made gluten free breadcrumbs

After making my own bread crumbs at home, I would never think of buying them at a store again-it’s that easy and tastes so much better than store-bought.

The house smells of freshly toasted herbs, garlic and bread and it only takes minutes to make.  As an added bonus, save all the heels from your bread loaves and make something special without buying extra bread it at the store.


4-6 slices or heels of gluten-free bread                                                                    Add herbs picked up at the local farmers market or grown in your own yard:
2 teaspoons of parsley, minced                                                                                  1 teaspoon of rosemary
1 teaspoon oregano, minced
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1 teaspoon sea salt, crushed


Slice bread into cubes and place onto a cookie sheet or sheet pan.

Toast the gluten-free, cubed bread in a 350 degree oven for 10-15 minutes or until lightly browned. Remove from oven to cool for 5 minutes.

Add cooled bread, herbs, garlic and sea salt to food processor or magic bullet and blend until mixture resembles crumbs and is well combined.

Store in an air-tight container. Will keep for about 2 weeks or longer in the refrigerator.

Upgrade your meals using these breadcrumbs to replace any recipe that calls for regular breadcrumbs. We love to use them to bread chicken, fry cheese or sprinkle over lasagna. What is your favorite way to use breadcrumbs?

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