Breadfruit forest
By Dagny Brand

Inspired by traditional Hawaiian agriculture, Voyaging Foods uses canoe plants such as kalo (taro), ‘uala (sweet potato), and ‘ulu (breadfruit) to produce gluten-free baked goods and alternative flours.

Founder Brynn Foster’s intent is to “reclaim our culture through food.” After uncovering the historical records of taro flour exports during the 1800s, Foster created her social enterprise to support the biodiversity Hawaiian canoe plants and expand the local food market. “What we need in Hawaii is to make more foods here and to extend the shelf life and food security of these local foods,” said Foster when describing the expansion of supporting local farms.

Voyaging Foods is co-creating a value-added space, with the goal of providing access for companies who want additional processing. In an effort to improve Hawaii’s self-sustainability, Voyaging Foods has joined with the Hawaii ‘Ulu Cooperative and Hawaii Farmers Union (as its fiscal sponsor) to launch their “30% by 30” ‘Ulu Flour Initiative. They are working to replace 30% of the flour in bakeries, restaurants, and homes with locally grown and milled flour from local starches such as ‘ulu. Voyaging Foods is using their own ‘ulu flour, as well as joining with other ‘ulu flour advocates. They are currently giving flour samples to bakeries to test, as well as helping turn the wasted Grade B and C foods into flour and products.

For more information, click here.


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