Sugar Busting Part 1


Obesity and diabetes is a health issue not to be ignored.  The first thing some people cut out of their diets to improve health is soda.  Is all soda bad?  If you are trying to cut soda out of your family’s diet, there might be an easier transition rather than cutting it out cold turkey.  Sometimes it is easier to make a change when taking baby steps.  I found a soda that uses a natural sweetener and want to share this information with you all.  Review it and make your own decision.

Take a listen to this informative webinar presented by Natalie Gershon, Director of Marketing for Zevia All Natural Soda.

Taking a break from sugar sounds like a good idea.  Hopefully you will be armed with some helpful tips on which sugar to use and how to measure your daily intake from drinks, food and low-fat/sugar-free food!

Maintaing healthy blood sugar is why I even care about what kind of sugar my family consumes. Our family is taking a break from cane sugars and artificial sweeteners are banned from our home. Finding alternatives can be challenging.

Here is a recipe for a refreshing mocktail for your holiday gathering!

Combine the Zevia All Natural Soda ginger ale soda with Cranberry Juice in a pitcher with ice

I think it is imperative to know how food products are made.  This short video by Zevia called The Sweet Story of Our Soda shows you the behind the scenes.

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