'Aina Wahine podcast from the Microbial Secret Society

What an amazing opportunity to sit down with Drake of the Microbial Secret Society and talk about all things regenerative farming!

The Microbial Secret Society Podcast delves into the subject of microbes!


microbial secret society podcast from brynn foster on Vimeo.

Microbes are all around us. Largely we are ignorant of their entire society and benevolence they offer us. Drake invests an inordinate amount of time helping microbes regenerate the world around us. As the signal to noise of korean natural farming increased as it gained worldwide attention this podcast was launched.

This Microbial Secret Society Podcast is meant to be a place where no subject is too small and people are free to have invisible friends. The one rule here is be a microbe minded human being and be natural. The foundational idea that drives this site can be summed up in the following statement: “Long Live The Natural Farmer”.

The host, Drake, is born and raised in Hilo, Hawaii with a Degree in Computer Science from Montana State University and has been a devoted disciple of Master Cho Han-Kyu since 2008.

Take a listen as Drake kindly share's this podcast from the membership side of the program talking to Brynn about her inspiring work to bring local starches to the people in forms they are used to.

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