Pan-Seared Tofu

Pan-seared tofu

Recipe by Diane Pan Ching, MD
Pediatric Hospitalist


  • 1 block firm organic tofu
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil (or oil of choice)
  • Ancestral Taro powder 


  • 1 green onion (green part) chopped
  • Bragg’s Liquid Amino Acids


  1. Drain tofu block and cut into desired sized cubes
  2. Lay onto paper towel or clean cloth to absorb excess moisture, then create a layer of cubes onto a plate
  3. Sprinkle salt and pepper (amount to desired taste) over all cubes
  4. Sprinkle a thin layer of taro powder over all cubes
  5. Flip cubes over and repeat steps #3 & #4 on the other side
  6. Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat
  7. Add olive oil when pan is hot
  8. Place tofu cubes in a single layer into skillet
  9. Brown each side until crispy
  10. Garnish with green onion before removing tofu from heat
  11. Season with Bragg’s liquid amino acids if desired

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