Voyaging Foods is Island Innovator of the Year!

Voyaging Foods is honored to accept the award for Island Innovator of the Year!Island Innovator of the Year with Hawaii Venture Capital Association

"The Hawaii Venture Capital Association celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2018, and once again kicked off our search for Hawaii's most innovative entrepreneurs. See the article in Hawaii Business magazine here.
Since 2000, HVCA has honored the entrepreneurs whose ingenuity, spirit of innovation and discipline have benefited us all. 
Entrepreneurs are not easily defined. They are women and men, old and young, and from many walks of life. This much about them is consistent, however: They are visionaries. They are people of passion. And they have the ambition, drive and talent to take an idea and create a market where none existed before. 


Hawaii is situated at the crossroads of East and West where a confluence of Pacific peoples, cultures, and ideas have been mixing for centuries.  Hawaii’s unique cultural environment and transnational ties make it a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship."-Hawaii Venture Capital Association



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