Join transformational learning through our virtual book club!

You are invited to join in for monthly live chats to share thoughts, comments and take-home ideas on transformational books that focus on clean eating, healthy lifestyles and social entrepreneurial projects-all to inspire and enlighten.

  • Where:  Twitter chats will be live using Twitter #braincandy and will last one hour.  Also visit our Facebook page to share your reviews with one another and an expert on the subject! 
  • When: The last Wednesdays of the month at 10:00 am Hawaii Pacific Time (find the time in your country/time zone here)
  • Lineup:

March 27-Launch of our new virtual book club and enter to win giveaways of book to review for April: The Yeast Connection Cookbook

review of “What This Book is All About”

April 24 The Yeast Connection Cookbook -about the authors here

Section One-Nutritional Information

Special Guest: Dr. Allison Bachlet, PhD, LAc, ND

May 29The Yeast Connection Cookbook– about the authors here

Section Two-Recipes

Special Guest: Dr. Allison Bachlet, PhD, LAc, ND

June 5-People Before Profit, The Inspiring Story of the Founder of Bob’s Red Mill

introduction and book giveaway

Special Guest: Surprise guest, to be announced in May

June 26-People Before Profit, The Inspiring Story of the Founder of Bob’s Red Mill

Review and chat @ chapters 1-11

Special Guest: Surprise guest, to be announced in May

July 31-People Before Profit, The Inspiring Story of the Founder of Bob’s Red Mill

Review and chat @ chapters 12-28

Special Guest: Surprise guest, to be announced in June

August 7-Body Ecology Diet

introduction and book giveaway

Special Guest: Surprise guest, to be announced in June

  • What: The Details: We will spend the time sharing thoughts about ideas raised in the book. It will also be a great opportunity to connect with other like minded individuals that share similar passions and beliefs about inspiring life and how to live your best life by making positive changes in food, thinking and living.

The intent of this virtual book club is to:

  • Learn something new
  • accomplish personal goals to read a new book every two months.
  • ignite a spark that will light up your life now
  • help like minded people connect and collaborate

I hope that you read the book and join us for our discussions. Please rsvp by Liking our Voyaging Foods and Ms. Uncommon Sense Facebook pages.  We will be using the hashtag #braincandy.

A Virtual Book Club is:

A virtual book club brings readers together to discuss and learn about a book using a virtual or web-based platform. Readers connect by logging onto Twitter or a website like and become active learners and collaborators. The virtual meet-up allows readers to learn, chat and read about what others think about the book. It is like a traditional book club but you can be on the road, at work or at the beach and still be connected.

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